AcroYoga Camp-Out

2025 Oregon Teachers

Ash Peltz & Matt Radford
Angela Bryant
Cat Hamilton
Courtney & Devin
Jacob Handwerker
James Ta-Dao
Jaime Waliczek
Jason Perreault
Kelli Mae & Sam
Kraig Mead
Kylee Baze
Luka Ruzic
Rachel Plies
Raquel Hernandez-Cruz
Sam Courts
Sam Salwei

Learn more about the teachers here.

AcroMash, the dynamic duo from Portland OR, have been teaching together since 2019.  Matt & Ash’s classes are full of games, laughs, and nerdiness. Specializing in Icarian, whip-pops, and creative washing machines, they love to make acro approachable. When not performing with Tempos Contemporary Circus, they can be found enjoying the Pacific Northwest, cooking big meals for family + friends, or relaxing with a good puzzle.

Cat was introduced to Acro in 2013, and immediately fell in love. Having limited experience in movement arts, and prone to injury, she built skills slowly and carefully, focused on good technique and co-creativity. In 2018, Cat completed the AYI Level 1 TT and in 2022 completed Lux’s SeattleAcro teacher training. She lives, trains, bases, flies, spots, writes content and teaches weekly, in Los Angeles.

Devin and Courtney are a dynamic duo based out of Asheville, NC. Dedicated to encouraging smart, progressive training within partner acrobatics, they are passionate about leveling students up by sharing their years of teaching and training experience.

Debbie started taking gymnastics as a child and this early training has helped her develop the strength, balance, and poise to make partner acrobatics beautiful.    She discovered the Acro world in 2012 and became a certified Acro Revolution teacher in 2017

Debbie loves the connection and flow that is possible with an Acro partner.  She forgets about the whole world when flowing in complex acrobatic movements.   She also loves practicing moves over and over until perfection. 

Students say that Debbie has a talent for teaching, a good eye for form and is sweet all around.  Debbie hosts workshops globally, teaches at many festivals and assists Acro Revolution teacher trainings.

More info coming soon….

Bio coming soon.

Jaime Waliczek is a lifelong mover with a passion for understanding how the body works. She grew up doing gymnastics, moved to professional dance (starting the nonprofit Jerboa Dance in 2003), and found acro in 2016. Jaime has been teaching various movement modalities since high school and loves helping other reach their goals. Teaming up with Jason, Jaime is now blending all the different elements of her background to teach acro. She is excited to share her knowledge at this special event.

James “Ta-Dao!” Sitzer has been a stalwart of the Portland AcroYoga Community since 2011. He is the founder of Portland’s AcroLab, and co-creator of the Stronger & Stranger Things series. James enjoys the PNW tradition of strong-flier, solid-base style, and continues to push the limits of advanced L-base Acro.

James has attended every AcroYoga Camp-Out since 2013 and hosted the Saturday night talent show from the beginning.

Jason found his love for movement practice early in gymnastics, but left due to injury. He played around with other movement practices through college, but never found the same bouncy, communal energy gymnastics had until finding acro in late 2017!

Currently based out of Seattle, Jason loves to constantly refine and find the most efficient pathways for skills, find playful group transitions, and fly on and base similarly sized acrobats!

He loves to nerd out about foundational movement concepts in class and how we can find a way to make a skill easier, more powerful, and more fun, while still staying safe!

Kelli Mae and Sam have been clowning, playing, and teaching together since 2006. Their combined skillset of AcroYoga, circus skills, improv, Thai massage, meditation, summer camp facilitation, and general silliness means that every class is an opportunity for deep connection and expansive joy.

You’ll learn key skills in community, remember how to talk to people, and hopefully end your session feeling a little more yourself. 

Kraig and Angela met at the Om Movement studio in Portland, OR in 2013. Everyone in the room was focused on partner acrobatics and they found they had a mutual love for dance lifts (and eventually each other). 

With his background in blues dancing and her love of aerial dance they found themselves in a unique position to explore contemporary circus. Both of them have a love for the stage which allowed the focus of physical theater and storytelling to infuse their practice. 

Together they founded Tempos Contemporary Circus and have been creating full length shows and coaching students in the performance side of partner acrobatics ever since.

Bio coming soon…

Luka Runic has been hooked on Acro since he first tried it in 2015. He enjoys constantly refining skills, occasionally reaching for the next ones, always finding new ranges of motion to work on, and, most of all, taking a long time to warm up and calibrate. 

Currently based in Seattle, Luka enjoys supporting fellow travelers on the road to solid basing and particularly delights in discovering effective progressions and cues.

Bio coming soon….

Rachel loves building community through this dynamic practice of trust, communication and trying of new things. I teach beginner and intermediate classes and have a strong standing practice. I was fortunate to have found Acro over 15 years ago when the Portland Acro scene was in its infancy. The last time I attended camp out I had a 3 month old baby. I am excited to return with my full capacity and attention.

Sam Courts is a Seattle based acrobat and teacher with a love for finding new challenges in the practice and nerding out about the details. She started acro in 2014 and now teaches and practices across a broad range of acro styles as both a base and flyer, though she has a particular fondness for free balances, puzzley transitions, and strong-flyer skills. Sam is thrilled to be returning to the NW AcroYoga Camp-out for her seventh time this summer.

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