AcroYoga Camp-Out

Frequently Asked Questions:

Frequently Asked Questions:

A willingness to try new things and have fun.

You are responsible for your own personal camping gear and eating utensils.

Camping Gear: Tent, ground tarp, flashlight or headlamp, sleeping bag, sleeping pads, pillow, towels, earplugs. Be sure to bring warm layers and rain gear just in case.

Eating Utensils: Bring you own plate, bowl, mug, utensils, and water bottle. You will be responsible for washing your dishes during the event.

Other Items: Warm layers for evening, yoga mat, picnic blanket, costumes, Thai Massage mats, musical instruments, towels & bathing suit, extra snacks you can’t live without (chocolate, anyone?).

YES!  The Acro community is very supportive and welcoming.

YES.  We always have a beginner (all levels) class during each session.  You will have plenty of support as you begin your AcroYoga journey.

Yes! There is an amazing swimming area.  Be aware that clothing is optional around the swimming area ONLY.

For sure!  We know that this crowd eats A LOT and our kitchen team is ready.   We serve delicious, wholesome, vegetarian meals.  There is also a snack bar throughout the day. 
You are welcome to bring snacks and coolers, but cookstoves are not allowed anywhere on the land.  We do not want to be responsible for starting a fire! 

Yes. All cars will be parked within walking distance of the camping area.   You may also be able to camp directly next to your car in some places.

No Wifi is available.  Most cellphone companies should get coverage at the venue.

This event is Carry-In and Carry-Out.   My goal is to produce as little trash as possible and please help us.   Don’t bring single use throw-away items.

A willingness to try new things and have fun.

You are responsible for your own personal camping gear and eating utensils.

Camping Gear: Tent, ground tarp, flashlight or headlamp, sleeping bag, sleeping pads, pillow, towels, earplugs. Be sure to bring warm layers and rain gear just in case.

Eating Utensils: Bring you own plate, bowl, mug, utensils, and water bottle. You will be responsible for washing your dishes during the event.

Other Items: Warm layers for evening, yoga mat, picnic blanket, costumes, Thai Massage mats, musical instruments, towels & bathing suit, extra snacks you can’t live without (chocolate, anyone?).

YES!  The Acro community is very supportive and welcoming.

YES.  We always have a beginner (all levels) class during each session.  You will have plenty of support as you begin your AcroYoga journey.

Yes! There is an amazing swimming area.  Be aware that clothing is optional around the swimming area ONLY.

For sure!  We know that this crowd eats A LOT and our kitchen team is ready.   We serve delicious, wholesome, vegetarian meals.  There is also a snack bar throughout the day. 
You are welcome to bring snacks and coolers, but cookstoves are not allowed anywhere on the land.  We do not want to be responsible for starting a fire! 

Yes. All cars will be parked within walking distance of the camping area.   You may also be able to camp directly next to your car in some places.

No Wifi is available.  Most cellphone companies should get coverage at the venue.

This event is Carry-In and Carry-Out.   My goal is to produce as little trash as possible and please help us.   Don’t bring single use throw-away items.

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