Thursday Immersions
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm (Optional)
The 3-hour immersions give you the chance to go deeper and study with some amazing teachers. You can choose from multiple options at various levels. The immersions cost $40 extra and you can add it on during the registration process. The classes are from 3:30 to 6:30 pm on Thursday at the OR and WA camps.
If you’re new to AcroYoga the FUN-damentals and Thai Trades & Campout Connection Immersions are perfect ways to begin. In the FUN-damentals immersion you’ll learn the foundational elements of acrobatics in a safe and supportive environment. You might do things which you never imagined possible. Afterwards, you’ll be ready to dive into the weekend with increased confidence and new friends.
Washington Immersions:
Enjoy the softest landing into our event with this deep dive into connection, communication, receiving and giving. We’ll enjoy solo and partner warm-ups, spend ample time swapping Thai massage for the whole body, and finish with a spacious partner savasana.The best part? You’ll have a set of new best friends by the end of our time together!
Loc & Jacob
Join circus punks Reno & Sariah, aka The Handstand Nation, for an adventurous exploration of abnormal acrobatic handstand & inversion poses and flows. Not your typical, boring, outplayed, been there done that hand to hand – goofy, reversed, twisted, asymmetrical (just like Reno’s face) inversions to put some style and inspiration back into your Acro.
Lots of room for variations, modifications, and creativity. Mostly L-base and L-base adjacent basing, plus some games and antics to keep things light and fun, the way Acro is meant to be played!
Pre-reqs: shoulderstand & rev shoulderstand; bicep stand; dark sense of humor; handstand practice; some hand to hand experience helpful but not necessarily necessary.
Intermediate Whip Pop Intensive
Prereqs: Tarzan swing, Icarian straight pops (bird and throne)
This intensive will equip you with the foundational toolset needed refine and advance your whip pop practice. After cleaning up the more basic whip pops, we’ll explore the timing and technique needed to approach larger, twisting skills more predictably. The intensive will cover both front and back facing whips and whip pops.
Can you balance with only one point of contact for more than a screenshot? Mono’s unlock to ability to smooth out transition and unlock new connected skills. You will learn how to pour weight into a mono balance point and work with new fun entrances and exits.
Pre reqs: Ability to walk in Standing FtH, 10 sec H2H
Front tucks and variations! Join this advanced workshop for a ton of flying and flipping fun.
Pre-reqs: Rev star pop over to throne, good straight throws in throne, flyers ability to somersault
Oregon Immersions:
More info coming soon…
Dive into the dynamic world of Slackro in this intensive workshop.
Slackro, a unique fusion of AcroYoga and slacklining, challenges practitioners to emulate the intricate balance and movements of slacklining, but with a twist—your partner becomes your line. This beginner/intermediate workshop focuses on the foundational elements of Slackro, emphasizing the art of balance, precise communication, and the beauty of co-creation. Participants will learn to harmonize their movements and support each other, mirroring the mutual balance found in slacklining.
This workshop is ideal for those who have a basic understanding of AcroYoga and are ready to step up their practice. Expect a journey filled with playful exploration, refinement of skills, and a deepened sense of connection with your partner. Come join Tom and Kristie for an unforgettable experience where fun and learning go hand in hand!
Slackline experience is not required
Come learn the art of swing toss! Two bases and one flyer collaborate for an exhilarating ride. We will teach entrances, exits, tricks and transitions. This high-flying workshop will cater to acrobats who love large group skills and either being tossed or catching someone being tossed.
Prereqs: 2-high, strong shoulders, accurate self-assessment, and excellent spotting
Join us for an exploration into what makes dynamic L-base Acro really tick! This isn’t a skill focused focus, instead we will uncover the principles and concepts that bring us into better dynamic connection with our partners! With unique exercises and time to explore and discuss we aim for this class to be the breath of fresh air that you’ve been waiting for.
Prereqs: Students should have prior popping or Icarian experience. We can work with a range of levels, but this class is not for students new to popping.
More details soon.